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This Week's Learning

Term 1 Week 4

In English this week, we are focusing on descriptive writing. We are putting ourselves into the shoes of a character from a book we have read in class called Toby and The Great Fire of London.  First we will explore how sets of carefully selected adjectives can be used to create descriptive sentences. Next, we will explore how prepositional phrases can be used to add detail to our sentences. Finally, we will explore how we can show and tell the audience how the character is feeling in order to add interest to our descriptions. 

In Maths this week, we are going to focus on identifying the numbers 0-100 on number-lines. We will begin with multiples of 10 and then move on to multiples of 1. Finally, we will explore how we can use our understanding of the number system to estimate points on unnumbered number-lines. 

In Science and Computing we will be exploring how IT can be used in the school and wider world. 

We will also complete Maths Mastery, Phonics, Guided Reading, PE, RE and Design and the Arts activities as well. 

If you have any questions about any of these activities, please do not hesitate to contact using the Beech Class email address.