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This Week's Learning

Term 5 Week 5

This week, pupils are completing their Reading and Arithmetic SATs papers. We aim to make these as stress-free as possible by working in small groups with no time pressure. If you have any questions or concerns about SATs, please do not hesitate to contact us directly via the class email address. 

As well as our SATs, we will also begin our local habitat study. We will start by using online mapping tools to explore the area surrounding our school. Next, we will make our maps of the area. We will design and add a key to our maps to provide additional detail. Next, we will explore plants and animals in our local habitat and focus on how they have adapted to suit their environment. We will finish the week with Design and the Arts activities focusing on capturing the beauty and bio-diversity of local surroundings. 

In Computing lessons, we will learn about Rhythm, Pitch and Tempo and use our understanding to make music using computer software. 

We will also complete Reading, PE and PHSCE activities this week.