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This Week's Learning

Term 5 Week 1

In English this week, we are going to improve the pieces of narrative writing that we created before the Easter holidays. We are going to use adverbial phrases to vary the way we open sentences. We are also going to create sentences which give further information about what Sir Fred can see and how he feels.

In Maths, we are going to continue to focus on fractions. First, we will learn about the difference between unit and non-fractions. Next, we will learn to find unit and non-unit fractions of amounts. Finally, we will explore the equivalence of a half and two quarters. 

In Science and Computing, we are going to turn our attention towards green plants. We are going to focus on what green plants need to remain healthy. Then we are going to use measurement as a tool to record how well a plant is growing.

We are also going to complete Spelling, Handwriting, Number Fluency, PE, RE, PHSCE and Design and the Arts activities as well.

If you would like to know more about any of these activities, please do not hesitate to contact us directly using the class email address.