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This Week's Learning

Term 4 Week 1

This week we are turning our attention towards the Time and Place element of the Year 2 curriculum. First, we are going to explore maps of Europe and locate Britain. Next, we are going to explore the concepts of invasion and settlement. We will create class definitions of these key historical terms and use sorting and discussion activities to deepen our understanding of these concepts. Next, we will explore the Norman invasion and the battle for the crown of England in 1066. We will explore the motivations of movements of the three main claimants for the throne and use historical and directional vocabulary to explain these events.

In Maths, we will revisit the grouping and sharing techniques that we learned in order to complete division problems. We will explore the concept of efficiency and make generalisations about which technique is more efficient for different types of division problems. We will also revisit the various techniques we learned to complete multiplication problems. Finally, we will use and apply all of these skills to solve arithmetic and reasoning problems for multiplication and division. 

In Science and Computing we will complete a dissolving investigation to make discoveries which will help Sir Fred on his quest.

We will also complete Guiding Reading, Spelling, Number Fluency, RE, PE and Design and the Arts lessons.

If you would like to know more about any of these activities, please do not hesitate to contact us via the class email address.