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Tuesday 2nd March

8:50am: Live Registration-


9:00am: Live Math Lesson-

Today we are going to continue to use efficient methods for calculating change. We will also explore how this skills can be used as part of a 2-step problem.

Start by attending the live lesson.

Once the live lesson is over pay another visit to Mr M’s shop. Pick an item from the shop. Which coin or note are you going to use to pay for it? Use the ‘Finding the Difference’ technique to calculate the change you would get from the shop keeper. Repeat this process for at least 5 separate items.

Extension: Can you write a 2-step problem like Mr included in the live lesson. When you have written the 2-step problem, send it in so Mr M can try to work out the answer.  

Here is the link to the video of today's lesson:

It will be live for 24 hours after filming. 


Remember to read at home for at least 20 mins today. Also, please tune into the next chapter of The Witches.


Design Activity-

This term, we are learning all about Knights and Castles. Today, we want you to design your own coat of arms. Start by completing some research on mediaeval heraldry.

Follow this link to find out how to design your coat of arms:

A beginner's guide to heraldry | English Heritage (

Step 1: Pick a colour

Step 2: Pick a heraldic ordinary

Step 3: Pick a heraldic charge

You can use the English Heritage website and the attached activity pack to support you.

When you have designed your coat of arms, please send in a picture so we can add it to the blog. 


Number Fluency-

Repeat the activity from yesterday but with taking away multiples of 10. You can find out everything you need to know by watching Mr M’s learning video:



Which material is the stretchiest?

In this lesson, we will be learning about elasticity. You will test a variety of household materials and will measure and compare their elasticity. You will need a piece of paper, a pencil and some household objects which will be explained in the video.

Which material is the stretchiest? (