Thursday 21st January

Remote learning for 21/01/21
Welcome to Thursday's remote learning.
Today there will be a live reading session at 1pm. Please use the google meet link you have been sent to access the session. If you cannot make the session please follow the link below and answer the questions attached.
Today we would like you to follow a set of instructions about drawing a Woolly Mammoth. Read through the instruction attached at the bottom. Collect the materials you will need and have a go at drawing. When you have finished have a think about whether any particular steps in the written instructions could have benefited from extra information to help it be clearer to understand or visualise.
Lets get warmed up with this multiplication game on Twinkl Go. Use the code CA0316 to access the game.
As always there are 2 options. Please chose the one that you feel is most appropriate for your child.
Option 1 and complete the 3 times table worksheet,
Option 2 and complete the equal groups worksheet.
Todays wider curriculum session is PE. Lets get our heart rates up with some Joe Wicks.
What was your favourite exercise? Did it take you long to get your heart rate back down? It feels a bit different to yoga doesn't it. Which do you prefer and why?
We hope you are enjoying the remote learning so far. We are always happy to hear feedback from parents and children on our class email.