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Term 6 Week 5

Here is an overview of our learning activities for week commencing 3rd July 2023.

In our main phonics lessons we will be learning about words containing the ‘ore’ trigraph, such as more, explore and adore. We will also be reading the words ‘other’ and ‘does’ and writing the words ‘scissors’ and ‘castle’.

In our main Maths lessons we will be learning about time. This week we will be learning about days of the week and months of the year and measurements of time (seconds, minutes and hours). As part of our fluency work we will be revisiting number facts for 5 and playing number bond games.

As part of our Time and Place work, we will be talking about the continent of Australia and discussing some of its human and physical features.

In RE we will be learning about how Australian Aboriginals believe the world was created and listening to some ‘Dreamtime’ stories. In Art we will be making dot art pictures based on Aboriginal art.

Our book of the week is ‘The Koala Who Could’ by Rachel Bright, which is a story about change and worries. We will be talking about how changes make us feel and thinking about what we might challenge ourselves to do (such as learn a new skill or get better at something).

In PE on Wednesday morning and Thursday morning we will be continuing to play team games.

If you have any questions or need help with anything please contact us using the class email address (