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Term 4 Week 2

Here is an overview of our learning activities for week commencing 28th February 2022.

This week we are looking forward to celebrating World Book Day on Thursday and the children have been invited to dress up as a book character. We are looking forward to seeing which book character they decide to be. However, please be mindful that we have PE on Thursday and the children will need to change into PE kits.

On Wednesday we will be going to the church in the morning for Ash Wednesday Mass, which marks the start of Lent.

We will be using the book Traction Man by Mini Grey as a basis for our English Work this week. We will be writing a character description of Traction Man, designing and describing a new outfit for Traction Man, thinking about a new enemy for Traction Man and starting to construct a story map.

In our Phonics lessons we will be learning about ways to make the ‘oo’ and ’yoo’ sounds using ue, ew and u-e. We will also revisit ear and air sounds again.

In Maths we will be representing numbers up to 50 using different resources. We will then move on to finding one more and one less than different numbers and we will finish the week comparing the size of groups of objects.

In RE we will start talking about the events of Holy Week. This week we will be learning about what happened when Jesus entered Jerusalem and how the people responded to Jesus’ arrival.

If you have any questions or need help with anything please contact us using the class email address (