Term 5 Week 2
What we are doing in Lilac Class for the wb.25.4.22
What we are doing this week in Lilac Class
WB: 25.4.22
In Maths this week in Lilac Class, we are continuing with ordering and comparing mixed numbers and improper fraction. We will then be adding and subtracting fractions, using bar models to support our understanding.
In English this week, we are editing and levelling up our Sea Poems using personification. We will be revisiting our Magpie session where we highlighted words and phrases from a selection of poetry that we wanted to ‘steel’ and use as a basis for our own work. In Shackleton’s Journey by William Grill, our Whole Class Guided Reading text, our focus is to retrieve information about the Endurance and how Ernest Shackleton prepared for his expedition.
In RE this week, we are finding out investigating what Muslims believe about Allah and the Prophet Muhammad. We will be learning about the concept of ‘Tawhid’ which means oneness and some of the 99 different names for Allah.
For our Time and Place topic entitled ‘Life on Earth’, we will be continuing with our atlas work, labelling the oceans, seas and important rivers in the world in addition to locating the position of significant positions of longitude and latitude. For Science, Lilac Class are finishing off work about how flowering plants reproduce sexually. We will then be finding out how plants can also reproduce asexually - naturally and artificially. We will be growing a geranium from a cutting and also growing broad bean plants from a broad bean. In Music, we will be practising our songs for the Tunbridge Wells Singing Festival to be held on Tuesday 21st June at the Tunbridge Wells Assembly Halls. We will also be listening to Benjamin Britten’s ‘Sea Interludes’. In Lilac Class are focusing on what instruments we can hear and how they are played using traditional musical terminology. In Art, we are starting to plan our Seascapes, thinking about the colours and materials that we want to use.