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Term 1 Week 7

Here is an overview of our learning activities for week commencing 18th October 2021. 

This week there are parent consultations on Monday (in the classroom) and Tuesday (in the hall) after school. Please sign up to talk to Mrs Pring if you have not already done so. If you are unable to attend either of those days, please speak to Mrs Pring and she will try to sort out an alternative day to meet with you. On Tuesday we also have the Willow Class breakfast. This will take place in the hall and starts at 8am.

We have reached the final week of this term and it has been lovely to see how the children have settled into the Year 1 routines. This week we will be finishing off some art and PSHE projects. In Phonics we will be learning about CVCC (consonant, vowel, consonant, consonant) words like tent and damp. We will also be practising spelling some of the tricky words we have covered this term.

In Maths, we are learning about number fact families, number bonds and will also be learning about working systematically to find all the possible answers to a maths problem. This week in English we will be finishing off some work using the Quest and You Be You stories. We will be writing sentences using an actor and action, for example I can jump and then adding some description to our sentences. In Science we will be talking about the different stages of human development (baby, toddler, child, teenager and adult) and will be thinking about things we can do now but couldn’t do when we were babies. We are hoping Father John will be able to join us for our RE lesson to answer some of our questions about God. In ICT we will be using Purple Mash to draw and label a picture of ourselves.

If you have any questions or need help with anything please contact us using the class email address (