2021/22 Term 1 Week 1
Each week we will post a weekly learning update on the Year 1 Blog. This will keep you updated on your child’s main learning activities for the upcoming week. Here is an overview of our learning activities for week commencing 6th September 2021.
Welcome to Year 1! It was so lovely to have the children back in school on Friday and they were eager to tell me about some of the things they had been doing during the Summer Holidays.
This week we will be continuing to settle the children back into school and learning the rules routines in Year 1. Most mornings the children will take part in activities linked to our Phonics, English and Maths learning. In the afternoons, the children will take part in learning activities for other areas of the curriculum (including RE, Computing, Art and PE), as well as some play based activities.
Our English focus for the start of this term is the book ‘Quest’ by Aaron Becker. This is a wordless book with detailed illustrations and is a story about a magical world that exists through a door. This week we will be looking at the start of the story and the children will be asked to think about what they would draw if they had a magic crayon. We will also be discussing some of the pictures from the start of the book and thinking about what they tell us about the characters of the boy, the girl and the bird.
This week in Phonics we will be revisiting the phonemes j, v, w and x and reading and writing words containing these letters sounds. We will also be learning to spell the tricky words I, the, to, no, go and into.
On first topic in Maths focuses on working with numbers 0 to 10. This week we will be sorting objects into groups, counting objects in a group and investigating different ways of representing numbers using classroom resources.
In RE, we will be talking about our key question of the term “What do Christians believe God is like?” and what we think it means. In Computing, we be learning about how to log onto the school laptops and talking about online safety. For Art, we will be discussing what a self-portrait is and looking at some examples of self-portraits by famous artists.
Willow Class will have PE on Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning this term. Please make sure that your child has their PE kit in school by Wednesday ready for our first PE lesson. We will be looking at different ways of moving this week (forwards, backwards, sideways, long steps, small steps).
We will start to send out reading books from Wednesday this week. Ideally all children in Year 1 should be reading at home for at least 10 minutes each day. Please record details of the reading your child does at home with you in their reading record book. We kindly request that book bags and reading records are brought in to school every day for the next few weeks.
If you have any questions or need help with anything please contact us using the class email address:
Best wishes,
Mrs Pring and the Year 1 Team