Term 4 Week 4 Home Learning Tasks

Here are the home learning tasks for Wednesday 17th March 2021. Completed home learning tasks need to be handed in by Monday 22nd March 2021.
This week in class we are learning about Mass and how much items weigh. For home learning, we would like you to complete an activity about comparing the mass of objects. Watch the video below:
Spr1.10.4 - Compare mass on Vimeo (https://vimeo.com/516654572). You can also find it on the White Rose Maths website under home learning Spring Week 10.
Now try completing the worksheet.
This week we are learning about ‘ue’ and ‘ew’ digraphs. A 2Do has been set on Purple Mash for you to practise these sounds. If you would to practise writing our spellings words, they are: blue, clue, true, rescue, Tuesday, new, few, grew, flew and drew.
If you have any questions or need more information, please write to us using the class email address.