Term 4, Week 4
Learning for week 15th March
The children have all settled back into school magnificently. It was quite emotional seeing them enter the classroom on Monday, with everyone cheering each time someone walked through the door.
What are we learning about this week?
This week is Shakespeare Week, Maple Class will be focussing on 'The Tempest'. We will combine English and Reading to look at different aspects from the play. We will focus on the storm scene to write our own storm spell and then develop this into a performance to share with the rest of the school on Friday.
In Maths we will continue to look at measurement, this week we will focus on perimeters. We will learn what this means, how to measure and calculate it.
We will also try and work some more on our Stone Age axes.
PE wil be on Tuesday and Thursday, please remember to bring your PE kit in to get changed into. The children will go home wearing their kit to maximise our PE lesson time.
Home Learning
Reading books will be changed on a Monday and Thursday this week.
Online - A converting units in measuring activity has been set on Purple Mash. Please do have a go at this activity as it will help the children with their learning from last week.
In books - Spellings have been set this week, please can you practice with your child - they will be tested on these on Monday 29th March.
As always, any questions or problems about anything please do email us.