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Friday 4th March

Daily plans for Friday 5th March 2021

5.3.21      * Remember to send me any of your ‘My Famous Victorian Project’.  Please remember to send me any work that you do not have answer sheets for.  I would particularly like to see RE, Science predictions and evaluations and any independent writing that you have done. Artwork would be lovely too! Thank you. 



Punctuation activity

Please complete the second worksheet about dashes to indicate parenthesis entitled ‘Application and Reasoning’. Work from your usual sheet and remember that answers are given.  


1. Please finish off any worksheets I have given you to do during the week.  Today I have set you 2 MyMaths activities entitled Short Division and Mixed Tables 7,8,9. The due date is 12.3.21. Make sure you have completed all the activities I have set you during this period of Lockdown.  Please also carry on with your Times Tables Rockstars. 


1.  Please finish your diary accounts and send them to me. 

2.  Please finish all your Talk for Writing activities.



Please remember to read independently for 40 minutes!  Finish reading the e-book ‘Ollie and the Great Stink’.  I have also set on Purple Mash another e-book called Lexi and the Giant.  I have given you Chapters 1 and 2 to read. 

For your 30 minutes Guided Reading Session I would like you to go over your answers with a grown up for Chapters 14 and 15 of ‘Street Child’. 

Finish any work that you have not completed this week.


If you have not already done so, please complete the William Morris colouring designs.  Find out what they are called and colour them in the same way William Morris did.  For example, the design with birds and strawberries is called ‘Strawberry Thief’. If you have not already done so, create your own repeated pattern design based on the theme of nature.  Use for example, flowers, birds, leaves, fruit, berries.