Maple Class Homework – Tuesday 14th January 2025
(To be handed in by Monday 20th January)
There are two ongoing activities on Purple Mash, to be completed weekly. One is a chapter from a book, with online activities, and the other is a re
I was very impressed with how the children settled back into school after the holidays. They have been working hard and making great progress. This week will look a little different, as we have baseline assessments to complete. We will therefore not
Maple Class Homework – Tuesday 7th January 2025
(To be handed in by Monday 13th January)
There are two ongoing activities on Purple Mash, to be completed weekly. One is a chapter from a book, with online activities, and the other is a rec
Happy New Year! I hope you have all had a good holiday.
In English this week, we will be using a new book, Tree by Danny Parker, and creating haiku poems.
Our Whole Class Reading this week will be all about Elizabeth (Bessie) Coleman, a non-fic
Maple Class Homework – Tuesday 10th December 2024
(To be handed in by Monday 16th December)
There are two ongoing activities on Purple Mash, to be completed weekly. One is a chapter from a book, with online activities, and the other is a
A quick reminder! Maple class will be making 'goodie bags' for the Christmas fair and need any 'party bag' items or sweets to fill the bags. We would be grateful for any donations of wrapped sweets, bags of sweets or small gifts/toys
Maple Class Homework – Tuesday 3rd December 2024
(To be handed in by Monday 9th December)
There are two ongoing activities on Purple Mash, to be completed weekly. One is a chapter from a book, with online activities, and the other is a re
As per the email sent out at the end of last week, this is a reminder that Maple class will be making 'goodie bags' for the Christmas fair and need any 'party bag' items or sweets to fill the bags. We would be grateful for any donatio
Maple Class Homework – Tuesday 26th November 2024
(To be handed in by Monday 2nd December)
There are two ongoing activities on Purple Mash, to be completed weekly. One is a chapter from a book, with online activities, and the other is a r
Our Christmas/winter decorations are really taking shape now and there are some very imaginative ideas. We will continue these this week! As a DT project, the children are all producing very different creations to meet the design brief.
In English
Maple Class Homework – Tuesday 19th November 2024
(To be handed in by Monday 25th November)
There are two ongoing activities on Purple Mash, to be completed weekly. One is a chapter from a book, with online activities, and the other is a