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1g. Week Seven Monday 18th May

Home Learning Plans

Willow Class

Week Beginning: Monday 18th May 2020


Dear Willow Class parents/carers and children,


The core learning for this week is set out below.


  • All children should read an age appropriate text for a minimum of 20 minutes per day. This can be a reading book or sharing a picture book with an adult. When completing guided or supported reading of an age appropriate text, focus on analytical questioning. Use the analytical section of this questioning tool to generate questions that challenge your child to analyse what has happened in the story.

For example:

-Why did they do that?

-How can you tell that…?

You can also visit the Oxford Owl website.  

Username: willow101

Password: pupil

Or you can use reading resources via

Click on the Teacher Portal and enter:


Password:  Parents20!            And click Login

I have also enclosed a reading comprehension exercise for you to complete.



This week’s spelling and phonics work concentrates on the split trigraphs ear, air, are and igh. I have allocated Spelling 2Dos on Purple Mash for “ear”, “air”, “are” making the “air” sound, “igh” making an “igh” sound and “ear” making an “ear” sound.  


Below are some activities that you could use for phonics/spellings. Remember, each day you can continue to explore the letters sounds by using chalks, magnetic letters, playdough or you could write them in flour, sand or with a pencil.


You could also watch “Mr Thorne does Phonics” on YouTube to hear the sounds.

Writing: This week we are going to do some activities around the story of I am the Happiest by Anna Shuttlewood. This features words with the –est suffixes which was part of last week’s learning. I have enclosed a copy of the story and a PowerPoint about the suffixes rules for changing different types of adjectives.

Here are some activities to try:

  • Read or listen to the story and then try to retell it to someone. Can you remember which animal thought they were best at which thing? Which is your favourite part?
  • Write a recount of the story on Purple Mash or using a storyboard. Make sure that you include sentences using –est words. For example, “I am the tallest!” said the giraffe.
  • Pick one of the animals from the story and research some information about it. For example: Where do hedgehogs normally live? What do they eat? How do they protect themselves?
  • Use your research to write a fact file about an animal. Remember to write in sentences and to start each sentence with a capital letter , use your best handwriting , use  finger spaces between words   and put punctuation at the end of each sentence .
  • Look at the Suffix PowerPoint and complete the comparative adjectives activity sheet using the rules in Powerpoint. Can you think of any other adjectives you could change by using the –er and -est suffixes?
  • If you do one of the writing tasks, why not email it to the class email address so I can read it.


This week we are learning about telling the time (half past) and thinking about measures of time. There is also a review activity for each day to look at some of the children’s previous learning.



Last week you learnt about clocks and how to find o’clock on an analogue clock. Today’s learning is finding half past times. Look through the Powerpoint about half past times and practice finding half past and o’clock time using a clock at home or the one you made last week. There is a half past worksheet to complete. Remember to think carefully about how to draw the hands on the clock. The long hand is the minute hand and the shorter hand is the hour hand. Remember when the minute hand is pointing at 6, this means that it is 30 minutes or half way through that hour. For example where the minute hand points at 6 and the hour hand is between 3 and 4 we say it is half past 3 because the hour hand has gone past 3 but not reached 4 yet.


Today’s activities are about reading o’clock and half past times. There is a board game with clock faces for you to play. I have also included a dice template this week. Keep practicing reading clocks and talking to your family about what you do at different times. For example, I wake up at 7o’clock. I have my breakfast at half past 7.


Today’s activity is matching analogue and digital times. There is a Powerpoint to explain what digital times look like compared to analogue times and a matching game to play to practice reading digital and analogue times.


Today’s activity is about measurement of time.  We have talked about measures of time (seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months). What can you do in a second? (Blink). What can you do in a minute? (Eat a biscuit). What can you do in an hour? (Go on a bike ride).

Are the units of time chosen sensible for these activities?

  • A football match measured in seconds.
  • The length of a holiday measured in minutes.
  • A birthday party measured in hours.

Talk about your answers.

Would you measure the duration of the following activities in seconds, minutes or hours?

There is a set of activities with this pack that you can sort into three groups: seconds, minutes and hours. There is also a sheet about measuring time that you can complete.


Today’s activity is about comparing times. Think about seconds, minutes and hours. How many seconds are in one minute? (60). How many minutes in one hour? (60). How many hours are in one day? (24). Working with someone else, complete the following activities and record how long it takes each person.

  • Build a tower of ten bricks.
  • Jumping up and down 10 times.
  • Write your name five times.

Write three sentences about each activity using the words slower and faster. For example, Mrs Pring can build a tower of bricks faster than Mrs Duncombe. Mrs Pring is slower at jumping up and down than Mrs Duncombe. Now complete the activity sheet on comparing times.

Please also log on to My Maths and complete the homework and lessons which have been selected for you. If you can’t remember your log in, please email me and I will send it to you.

You could also complete the time activities on Maths with Parents - class code 193691

Wider Curriculum

This week is Science week. Please pick science activities to complete over the next two weeks.

Don’t forget to share pictures of your completed work with me or any other activities you have been doing. The class email is:

Best wishes and stay safe.


Mrs Pring