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Wednesday 20th January

Here is today's home learning.


While learning from home, you should be aiming for at least 20 minutes reading per day. This can be any type of text – fiction book, non-fiction, comic, newspaper, etc. A reading comprehension on has been included with this blog for you to complete if you wish.

You can also visit the Oxford Owl website and access books online. The login details are: 

Username: willow101

Password: pupil


Today we are learning about the ‘ew’ sound in words like new, few, nephew (where it makes the yoo sound). Below a video to watch about some ‘ew’ words.

Phonics ew (yoo) sound/fonetica/акустика - YouTube

Talk about the ‘ew’ sound. Can you say the sound?  Remember this digraph can make a ‘oo’ or a ‘yoo’ sound. Can you write the sound? You could use chalks, pens, write it in flour or use magnetic letters. Can you write some words with the sound in?  Can you read these words that have the sound in them: few, new, pew, nephew and cashew? Now try to find the ’ew’ words in the word search attached to this blog.


Today we will be learning to add by making 10. Watch the White Rose Maths video: Spr1.4.3 - Related facts on Vimeo and then try completing the worksheet attached to this blog.

Maths Fluency

 Practise your subtraction skills by completing the ‘Subtraction to 20’ 2Do on Purple Mash. You could also continue to practise your subtraction number bonds for 10 (10-1 =9, 10-4=6, 10-5=5).


Today we would like you to write a non-chronological report about reptiles.

Non-chronological reports give people information and facts about things. Examples are information leaflets, fact files and non-fiction books. Non-chronological reports have a title, an introduction, information in sections, subheadings and pictures. Look at the example attached to this blog to give you some ideas.

There are two video clips for you to watch and there is also some information about reptiles attached to this blog. Alternatively, you can do your own research.

What are reptiles? - BBC Bitesize

What are reptiles? | Primary Biology - Animal Types - YouTube

Write a fact file about Reptiles. What are the main features of all reptiles?  What is the skin like? Are they warm blooded or cold blooded? What interesting facts did you find out about reptiles? Write down what you have learnt. You can use the attached template or write in your home learning book.


Having been learning about Bob the bubble, today we would like you to do a bubble experiment. Look at the attached information sheet and follow the instructions. This is a practical activity about making bubbles. It is important to talk about what you think will happen and make observations about what actually happens. Adapt the activity as you wish. It would be lovely to see some photograph of your bubbles. Have fun!