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Term 2 Week 4

What we are doing this week in Lilac Class


WB: 23.11.20

In Maths this week in Lilac Class, we will be using our knowledge of addition and subtraction to solve multi-step problems.  We will be thinking about the important vocabulary in the question and what the key bits of information are.  We will also be thinking about whether we can put this information into a model and which operations we need to use. We are to then move onto our new unit of learning entitled Statistics.  Our first activity will involve reading and interpreting bar charts. 

In English, we will be levelling up our Space Poems using the conventions of poetry writing.  We are then going to write our poems as a best copy that will be put into our whole class book of Space Poems.  We will also be analysing Space Poems from the anthology ‘A First Poetry Book’ edited by Pie Corbett and Gaby Morgan.  In pairs we will be looking for the different conventions of poetry writing such as similes, metaphors, rhythm and rhyme, alliteration and onomatopoeia.   We are now reading Chapter Nine of ‘The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe’.  Our focus is to be able to predict what we think may come next in the story based on what we know about the characters and their behaviour in the story so far.   

In RE this week, Father John will come in to talk to us about what ‘Incarnation’ means and we will be examining extracts from Matthew, Chapters One and Two.

In Topic, we are going to be finding out about the everyday life of the Mayan people.  We will be finding out about their homes, clothes, food and farming, crafts and the different roles of men, women and children.  We will also be finishing our designs for our Mayan pottery.  In Music, we will be writing our own Space Music using graphic notation and symbols using the music we have been listening to for inspiration. In Science, we will be involved in a sundial experiment making predictions and supporting this with the knowledge we now have about the Sun and Earth.