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Term 2 Week 3

Chestnut Class learning for term 2 week 3

We will continue planning the key events of our own adventure stories this week before we start writing them!  We will be breaking down the narrative into 6 distinct sections.  Over the next 2 weeks we will be writing our stories and sharing our writing so we can discuss how to improve it.  We are aiming to bring together the technical features of writing that we have been revising over the earlier part of the term.

In our spelling sessions we will revise last week’s prefixes: il-, im-, in-, and ir-.  We will also be working through the statutory Year 3 and 4 list, using a range of techniques to embed these spellings.  Our grammar focus will be fronted adverbials and I look forward to seeing children using them in their story writing.

We have made a good start on 3 and 4 digit subtraction and will be moving on to subtracting with exchanges.  We will use concrete supports - place value counters- alongside the formal column method to support this transition in learning.  


In RE we will continue our discussion ‘what is the Trinity?’ by looking at the language in John 1 and comparing it to the account of creation in Genesis.  We will be focusing on how John’s account of the Gospel differs from the others and how it links to the concept of the Trinity.