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This Week's Learning

Term 1 Week 6

This week we will continue to focus on features of our writing in English.  Using text linked to the story Journey, we will be identifying features of high quality writing and then using these in our own writing.   Building on last week’s work on adverbs, we will be looking at turning adjectives into adverbs.  We will also be identifying interesting adjectives in example texts and creating our own descriptive pieces.  We will be supporting our understanding of the narrative of Journey by acting out key scenes.  This will help us when we come to create our own adventure stories


Separate spelling and grammar sessions will be based on using pronouns and practising the spellings from the statutory list for Years 3 and 4.  These are also contained in the back of each child’s home learning book, for your reference.


Our independent reading sessions will continue to allow the children to select their own texts, challenge themselves and build up their reading stamina.  Last week we had the majority of reading records brought in to school and it is wonderful to see how much reading children are doing at home!


In Maths, our focus continues to be on place value.  We will be ordering numbers, using the comparative skills we learned last week.  We will also be rounding to the nearest 1,000, counting in 25s and working with negative numbers. In our quick fire fluency sessions we will be working on times tables.


We continue to look at the creation story in RE and how we can contribute to caring for the natural world


Please look at the blog for examples for the children’s work on Giorgio Morandi.  They will be learning different shading techniques in order to add depth to their still lifes.


Last week we took part in a virtual competition against other local schools.  We were scored on different tennis skills.  We are looking forward to more of these competitions over the coming weeks.