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This Week's Learning

Term 1 Week 5

In English this week, we will be focussing on creating first person action sentences. We will learn more about Samuel Pepys and his diary and write from his perspective. We will imagine what it was like to wake up on the night of 2nd September 1666 to the sights and sounds of The Great Fire of London. Once our simple first person action sentences are complete, we will explore how adverbial phrases could be used to enhance our sentences. 

In Maths, we are focusing on comparing objects and numbers using the < > and = symbols. We will also explore how such concepts can be used to order objects and numbers. Finally, we will turn our attention to counting in multiples of 2,5 and 10. 

In Science and Computing, we will use IT to demonstrate our understanding from the Time and Place Curriculum. We will also begin to explore materials and use simple Venn Diagrams to sort objects according to their material properties. 

We will also complete Phonics, Guided Reading, Mastering Number, PE, RE and Design and the Arts activities as well. 

If you would like further information on any of these activities, please contact us via the class email address: