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This Week's Learning

Term 5 Week 2

In English this week we have been focusing on using all of the narrative writing skills we have learned so far to retell chapter 2 of our class quest. We focused on using adverbial phrases and conjunctions to create compound and complex action sentences. We also focused on including sentences that told the audience what our main character could see and how they were feeling. 

In Maths, we revisited some and extended some of our mathematical learning from earlier in the year. We focused on solving problems involving place value, scales and empty box calculations. 

In Science and Computing, we analysed some information that we collected last week about the height of plants. We then used our scientific understanding of what plants need to be healthy to interpret and explain this data.

We have also completed Number Fluency, Spelling, Guided Reading, PHSCE, PE, RE and Design and the Arts activities this week. If you would like to know ore about any of these activities, please do not hesitate to get in contact with us via the class email address. 

Finally, a massive thank you to all the families who took time out of your busy schedules to meet for your child's parent consultation this week.