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Term 4 Week 1

Here is an overview of our learning activities for week commencing 21st February 2022.

Welcome back. We hope you had a good week despite the windy weather. This week we will be consolidating some of our learning from last term and finishing off our English and Science work on animal groups. We will be writing animal fact files on birds, fish and invertebrates and finishing off our non-chronological reports.

In our Phonics lessons we will be recapping some sounds (ow/ou, ee/ea, igh/ie, oa/oe and air) and will be practising reading and writing them in words.

In Maths we will be recapping some of the number bonds we learnt last term and practising counting forwards and backwards in ones up to 50. We will also be finding Tens and Ones in a two-digit number and looking at different ways to represent a two-digit number using cubes and Numicon.

We are starting a new topic in RE and we will be thinking about our key question of the term: Why does Easter matter to Christians? This week we will be talking about the words “Incarnation” and “Salvation” and how they relate to Jesus’ birth and death for Christians.

As part of our Art topic this term, we will start looking at the work of Romero Britto, a Brazilian artist who combines cubism and pop art. We will then start working on some of our own artwork inspired by him.

Willow class will still have PE on Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning, so please make sure that on these days your child has their PE kit in school and that earrings are removed. 

If you have any questions or need help with anything please contact us using the class email address (