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Term 1 Week 6

Here is an overview of our learning activities for week commencing 11th October 2021. 

This week in Phonics we will be learning about the trigraphs ear, air and ure. We will also be learning to read and write the tricky words they, you, my, are and her.  In Maths, we are going to be moving onto learning about addition. This week we will be using part whole models and learning about the addition sign. Last week we did not get time to write our Harvest poem so we will be starting this week by doing that. We will then move onto working with our book of the week, You be You by Linda Kranz. We will be using this as a base for our English, Art and PSHE work this week. In Art we will be designing and making colourful fish inspired by the fish in the story. In PSHE we will be thinking about what makes each of us unique and special, such as what special skills and talents we have and writing about them. In English we will be using the format of the story to write sentences using the words “Some fish swim___”.  We will then move onto using the sentence opener “Some children___”.

Willow class have PE on Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning. Please make sure your child has their PE kit in school on those days. In our Computing lesson we will be using Purple Mash to make a pictogram.

If you have any questions or need help with anything please contact us using the class email address (