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This Week's Learning

Term 4 Week 6

In English this week, we are going to do some reading assessment. We are going to focus on using our comprehension skills to answer questions and make inferences and predictions about the texts. Next, we will continue our work on instruction writing. We will pick another section from our Knight’s Quest and write an independent set of instructions for Lady Emma to complete.

In Maths, we are going to turn our attention towards statistics. First, we are going to explore how tally charts can be used to record data. Next, we will look at pictograms and focus on how both of these charts can be interpreted. Finally, we will explore how our basic arithmetic skills can be used to support our interpretation.

In Science we will be following up from last week’s dissolving investigation. We will focus on using scientific vocabulary to clearly explain what we found out. We will produce a piece of scientific writing which will give clear advice to Lady Emma.

We will also complete P.E, R.E, and Design and Art activities. We are looking forward to a productive and enjoyable week here in Beech Class.