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Times Tables at St Barnabas.


How do we teach times tables?


What are the prerequisites for learning times tables? 


-Understanding equal and unequal groups

-Combining equal groups

-Understanding the early relationship between repeated addition and the x sign

At St Barnabas School we ensure that these prerequisites are taught thoroughly before times tables are introduced. 


When do we teach times tables?

Component 1-

Component 2-

Regular retrieval practise to develop fluency (5 to 10 min, 3-5 times per week)


Approximately 3 dedicated whole Maths lessons for each half term that you are learning a new times table. Developing connections, exploring patterns, creating a deeper understanding of multiplicative reasoning with a focus on the new times table.


How do we teach times tables?

Step 1: We teach times tables in  carefully sequenced progression


Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 4

Term 5

Term 6

Year 1

Experience of counting in 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s

Year 2


(1x) 2x


(5x) 10x



Year 3

(2x) 4x

(4x) 8x


(3x) 6x

(6x) x12


Year 4




11x (10+1)






Step 2: When we introduce a new times table, we build it around the facts that children already know and have met before.


Step 3: When we introduce a new times table, we start by making the conceptual links clear. E.g. by presenting a ‘What comes in …’ poster.

Step 4: Once the conceptual elements have been introduced, and specific techniques taught, we utilise retrieval practise to develop fluency (5 to 10 min, 3-5 times per week). We ensure that all pupils are exposed to a bank of good quality activities designed to promote automaticity of retrieval.

These activities include:

  • conceptual support
  • full verbal pattering (saying the whole calculation) and also step counting
  • testing but not as the main focus of the activity


Step 5: We utilise the CPA approach for all children

Step 6: We take time to explore the patterns in each new times table. For example, repeating digits, reversing digits, addition of digits, divisibility and how each table relates to other times tables.

Step 7: We use variation rather than variety. We promote the use of intelligent practise.


Some of the resources we use:

Counting Stick

We use a counting sticks to actively teach times tables.

Times Tables in 10 minutes - YouTube

Counting Style Stick Cards, Proforma or IWB presentations

We also present sequences of factors and products in a range of different ways to actively teach times tables.

Fun Key Maths Cards

We use Fun Key Maths cards to help make links between multiplication and division facts.


There are lots of different ways to chant your times tables. We ensure that a range of different chanting activities are used which include both full verbal patterning and skip counting.

Here is a collection of play lists put together for songs and charts to promote times table learning.

Mr Yeo's Maths Mastery - YouTube


We use the support and guidance materials put together by the NCETM to help actively teach times tables. This is particularly useful for developing strong conceptual understanding of times tables.

White Rose

We use the White Rose planning and materials to actively teach times tables.

Mastering Number

We use the Mastering Number resources and materials to actively teach times tables.