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Good attendance is fundamental to a successful and fulfilling school experience.

May we please remind families of the following points:

  • The school day starts at 8:45am. The morning register is taken at 8:55.  Any child arriving after 8:55 and before 9:15am will be recorded as “late”.  Registers close at 9:15am and any child arriving after this time will be recorded as “late after registration” which counts as an unauthorised absence.  The afternoon register is taken at 1:15pm.

Frequent lateness after the register has closed will be discussed with parents and could provide grounds for prosecution or a Penalty Notice.

  • Please inform the school office immediately if your child is unable to attend school (on the first day of absence). The office is open from 8:15am and there is a 24/7 answerphone.
  • Your child must bring a written letter to explain their absence on the day of return.
  • Please show appointment cards for GP/dental appointments to Mrs Drane in the school office – appointments during the school day should be avoided whenever possible.
  • If your child does need to visit the dentist or doctor during the day, he/she should be at school both before and after the appointment unless you are told that he/she is unfit to be in school.
  • Holidays should not be taken during term time – general holiday absences will NOT be authorised and are likely to incur a Penalty Notice of £120 per week, to each parent for each child, reduced to £60 if paid within 28 days, issued by the Attendance and Behaviour Service.
  • Any request for authorised leave of absence should be made in writing to the Headteacher – each application will be considered individually and you will receive written notification of the decision.
  • No exceptional leave of absence will be authorised during the month of May – key assessments take place in school at this time of year.