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2g. Week Fourteen Monday 13th July

Home Learning Plans

Lilac Class

Week Beginning: Monday 13th July


  • Carry on with your daily independent reading.
  • If you want to enter the writing competition about your experience of Lockdown remember you need to submit your entry by Friday 17th July

  • Our new whole class reading text is Shackleton’s Journey by William Grill.  This is a true story about an expedition crossing Antarctica from one pole to the other.  Read pages 37-48 of and answer the comprehension questions.  I have also recorded me reading the pages to you so you can follow the text Learning Video:  Reading pages 37-48 from Shackleton’s Journey.


Re-read the text again and occasionally stop and ask your child what they think the meaning of a tricky word could be, looking at the context of the sentence.  As with Street Child, most of the questions are open ended and there may be several answers to the questions.  The purpose of the exercise is to develop reading comprehension skills and to discuss the text – that is why I have not given you an answer sheet.

If you have not so, please sign up for this year’s Summer Reading Challenge.  It started on Friday 5th of June and runs throughout the summer holidays, finishing at the end of September. It is aimed at children aged 4 – 11 and is completely free! The challenge features games, quizzes and downloadable activities to incentivise and encourage children and their families to take part in reading related activities at home. Children can choose their own reading goals, create book reviews, play games and collect virtual rewards. Parents and guardians can register their children online at  Please see attached information.


Visit the Oxford Owl website. Click on the My Class Login section


Use the following details to log in to the newly created Lilac Class section.

Username: lilac101

Password: pupil

Click on the ‘My Bookshelf’ section and select reading books that are right for you. Use the ‘Age Groups’ section to help narrow down the search. 

  • When completing guided or supported reading of an age appropriate text, focus on analytical questioning. Use the analytical section of this questioning tool to generate questions that challenge your child to analyse what has happened in the story.

For example:

-Why did they do that?

-How can you tell that…?


Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar:

  • I have given you two activity sheets to complete.  The first is about using colons, semi-colons and commas in sentences and the second is about using bullet points to list information.



  • LO:  To level up a narrative focusing on character and setting.  For this week I would like you to finish your draft and then read it through with a grown up.  How can you improve your story? Check you have used sentence openers, conjunctions and a variety of punctuation.  Have you included some expanded noun phrases?  Have you written about the areas I wanted you to write about:  You are a sailor in 1720 and your life is hard.  Describe how you became a sailor and the jobs you have to do on board ship.  What do you eat and drink?  (a couple of weeks ago I asked you to research the life of a sailor in 1720 for your homework).  There is a terrible storm and your ship is smashed up by the giant waves.  Describe this experience.  What did you feel, hear and see?  Somehow, you managed to hold onto some wreckage and find yourself washed up on the beach of a tropical island.  You are the only survivor and are shipwrecked on the island that is uninhabited.  How do you survive on the island?  Describe your life.  How do you build your shelter and what do you eat?  Are you able to grow any food?  Do you find a river for water?  How do you make your clothes?  Do you get rescued by a passing ship?  How does the crew know that you are on the island?  Do you build a beacon out of dry vegetation and light it? 


Maths:This week we are learning to measure angles in degrees

Watch my learning video -   LO:  To measure angles in degrees


I have given you Classroom Secrets worksheets with answers about measuring angles in degrees. I have also given you a White Rose Varied Fluency sheet and a Reasoning and Problem Solving sheet about measuring angles in degrees.  Only do these if you feel confident.

  • Complete your new Maths with Parents activity that is about acute, obtuse and reflex angles  Class code is 48372.


Number Fluency and Revision: On Purple Mash I have set the following ‘2Dos’:  Common Factors, Multiples and Primes, Prime numbers and Square and Cube Numbers   I have set you a MyMaths Activity – 12x tables booster


Wider Curriculum Matrix:  Please remember that the last Wider Curriculum Matrix that I gave you two weeks ago (that was very full!) contains all the activities for the rest of the term.    Pick activities of your choice from that Wider Curriculum Matrix. This is the final Wider Curriculum Matrix of the school year and will give you the opportunity to complete work.  If you are looking for extra activities over the summer holidays, why not revisit some of the previous Home Learning Matrixes and pick out activities that you missed. Alternatively, you can check out the Summer Challenge activities that will be posted onto the school website from July 22nd.


I have will no longer attach my regular Homework sheet that your child would normally receive every Thursday as we have covered all the spelling patterns and words from the Year 5/6 Spelling List.