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Monday 18th January

Daily Plans for Monday 18th January 2021



1. Maths

Please work through the Classroom Secrets Power Point slides about common factors that I have uploaded (remember that answers are provided) and then complete the Classroom Secrets Problem Solving worksheets with answers.  Work on the sheets that you are normally given.  Remember to also show any of your working out.  When you have completed these mark your answers using the answer sheet to check your answers. 

2.  English

1. Here are our new spellings for the week.  This week we are learning to spell some more tricky words from the Year 5/6 Spelling List. Copy out each of our new spellings neatly, 5 times each, to help you learn the spellings and as a Handwriting activity. To help you learn the spellings write them as a ‘Spelling Pyramid’.   Remember how you must join up your letters: thorough   guarantee   immediately   vehicle   yacht

Now put each spelling into a sentence to show that you understand the meaning of each word.  If you are unsure of the meaning of a word remember to look it up in a dictionary.  Can you include a subordinate clause?  Can you put a comparative conjunction in your sentence, for example as well as, also, equally, similarly, likewise?  Can you use a contrasting conjunction, for example, alternatively, although, whereas, while, in contrast, however, despite?  Can you write a relative clause using a relative pronoun, for example that, who, whom, which, whatever, where?  Can you include some speech marks in your sentences?  What other words for ‘said’ can you use? For example, answered, replied, shouted, whispered, sighed, shrieked.  ‘Street Child’ is full of dialogue and has many examples in the text.  Remember to use a range of punctuation.  YOU DO NOT HAVE TO INCLUDE ALL OF THESE IN EACH SENTENCE.

2.  Continue working through your ‘Talk for Writing’ Booklet that I have uploaded for you – ‘The Ultimate Guide to Elves and Sprites’ by Pie Corbett.  Complete Activity 11, page 17: draw and label your chosen species of elf or sprite.


3.  Reading

Please remember to read independently for 40 minutes!  For your 30 minute Guided Reading Session read through independently Chapters 4 and 5 of ‘Street Child’ by Berlie Doherty.

4.  RE

Start session 2 of the Diocese plans.  Please do not complete the work about the Ten Plagues.  This is for next week.  I have also uploaded another painting of Moses and the Burning Bush for you to examine.  Answer the questions in the plans and use the links provided to embellish your knowledge of the Story of Moses.  I would also like you to create your own image of Moses and the Burning Bush.  Using thought bubbles write down what Moses may have felt when he saw the bush.  Then answer in your own words ‘Why did God choose Moses?’  Remember that Moses was not perfect and when he was a young man he had committed a serious crime.  He was also not confident at carrying out this task. What important qualities did he have, do you think?