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Term 1 Week 6

What we are doing in Lilac Class for the wb. 11.10.21

What we are doing this week in Lilac Class

WB: 11.10.21

In Maths in Lilac Class, we will be consolidating our work about negative numbers exploring their position on a number line and using them in context. Lilac Class will then move onto working with Roman Numerals building on our knowledge of Roman Numerals to 100, from Year 4 and then exploring Roman Numerals to 1,000.  We will then begin our new block of learning:  Addition and Subtraction.  Lilac Class will initially add two 4-digit numbers with one exchange and then move onto two 4-digit numbers with more than one exchange.   

For English this week, we are levelling up our diary entries and carefully looking at our next steps.  What other expanded noun phrases can we use?  Have we used fronted adverbials that hook in the reader?  Have we used a wide range of conjunctions in our sentences? Our focus is to use the features of diary writing such as writing in the first person and in the past tense referring to emotions and feelings and writing events in chronological order.

Our Whole Class Guided Reading text this term is ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’ by C.S. Lewis.  We are reading Chapter Six and will be exploring our own feelings and reactions as a reader.  For example, ‘How do you feel when they got to Mr Tumuns’s house?’.  We will also be making predictions based on our knowledge of the characters so far and their behaviour that they have demonstrated.

In RE this week, we are understanding the importance of confession and penance. We are exploring how we feel when we say sorry to someone that we have upset and how we feel when we forgive. 

In Science this week, we are learning about the different phases of the Moon and what they mean.  We will also be learning about what a Blue Moon is.  In ICT this week, we are continuing with our block of learning entitled ‘Coding’.  The children will be reviewing coding vocabulary and will use a design to create a program. In Topic, Lilac Class will be learning about the different Mayan States in more detail and drawing and labelling a map.  In Music, we will be listening to ‘Mars’ and ‘Venus’ from to ‘The Planet’s Suite’ by Gustav Holst and in Art we are continuing with our Mayan artwork based on original designs using the techniques of the Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama.