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Term 1 Week 2 Home Learning

Homework for Lilac Class for the wb.13.9.21

Written Homework to be completed by Tuesday 22nd September 2021

  1. Please learn the following words for a spelling test on 24.9.21. This week we have been learning about words that contain ‘ough’.  I will not only be looking at your ability to spell the words but also whether you understand the meaning.

tough   cough   dough   thorough   through   thoughtful   brought   bought   bough   although   ought         

  1. Put each word into a sentence that explains the meaning   If you are unsure, look the word up in a dictionary. Please put a comparative conjunction (e.g. as well as, also, equally, similarly, likewise) or contrasting conjunction (e.g. alternatively, although, whereas, while, in contrast, however, despite) into your sentence. Can you put a relative pronoun in your sentence? What sentence openers can you use?  Can you put a connective in the middle of your sentence?  Remember to use a range of punctuation.  You do not need to do all of these things!  Try using at least three!  Please look carefully at the VCOP sheet that has been stuck into your Homework book.  This will help you.  The Monarchy sheet tells you strategies to help you learn your spelling and the use of pyramid words.
  2. EnglishTask: I would like you to write a short report and find out some interesting facts about the Solar System and our Sun.  Choose your favourite planet and draw and colour a detailed picture of it. 
  3. Online Tasks: I have set you some online Homework for the week beginning 13.9.21.  For MyMaths I have set you one activity entitled Rounding to 10 and 100.  For Purple Mash I have now set you chapter 1 of an e-book called ‘A Bridge on Fire’.  I have also set you the multi-choice questions that go with this book.  Your logins for MyMaths and Purple Mash have been stuck in your Homework Book.