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Term 4 Week 5

What Lilac Class are doing for the wb. 22.3.21

What we are doing this week in Lilac Class

WB: 22.3.21

As the children have now settled in so well, we are now ready for our Assessment Week.  I will be assessing the Maths units we have covered, reading comprehension skills and a piece of independent writing.

In Maths this week in Lilac Class, we are moving onto Fractions, our new Block of Learning.  We will explore equivalent fractions using models and concrete representations.  After this, we will be moving onto the abstract written method.  Lilac Class will be finding out about the similarities and differences between numerators and denominators in equivalent fractions.  We will also be looking at how multiplication and division help us find equivalent fractions. 

In English, we are adding our final touches to our non-chronological reports about children working during the Victorian era. Lilac Class will then start a new piece of extended writing about how to create a balanced argument.  The subject will be the development of the railways in Victorian Britain and the impact it had on the lives of the population.  We will be exploring different points of view and opinion and the persuasive language that can be used to present these convincingly.   

In Guided Reading, we are now reading Chapters 20 and 21 of ‘Street Child’. We will be discussing our understanding of a variety of words in context and retrieving key details and quotations from the text to support our answers, as well as making predictions and summarising events that have happened.

In RE, Father John will be visiting Lilac Class to talk to us about our new Big Question ‘What did Jesus do to save human beings?’ He will also be talking to us about the Stations of the Cross and giving Lilac Class a ‘virtual tour’ of St Barnabas’ Church where the Stations of the Cross are hanging on the wall.  

For our Topic this week, Lilac Class will be continuing to find out about how rich and poorer Victorians spent their leisure time.  We will also be finding out about the development of the railways across the country. In DT, we will be continuing with our own Victorian Cookbooks based on the recipes of Mrs Beeton.