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Term 3 Week 3

Here is the overview for your learning this week.  As usual, I will post on the blog daily with the outline of you work....

Term 3 Week 3 - overview


Welcome to week 3 of our home learning provision.

It was so lovely to see many faces at online assemblies and the story session we had last Thursday. We will be arranging another this week.


Your learning this week will include:

Independent reading– 30 minutes per day and recorded in your yellow reading record.


Whole class reader– The Iron Man.  This week we will be reading chapter 3 and answering comprehension questions about it. This little book is such a gem and will take another twist this week! 

I have again provided you with a pdf of the chapter and have highlighted the first word for each page of the original text.  I have also added the page number.  This will help when you answer the questions that refer to specific page numbers in the book I am using (faber and faber).

You might also want to listen to the chapter being read, following this link:

The Iron Man - Chapter 3 by Ted Hughes - YouTube


Spellings– we will focus on a selection of homophones.  These are pairs (or more) of words that have the same pronunciation but not the same spelling and meaning.  I will provide you with a link to the site Spellzone and you will also have some flash cards and definition sheets to help you learn and practise these words.


Grammar– This week we will be learning about when NOT to use an apostrophe.  I will as usual upload a powerpoint and sheets for Tuesday and Thursday  Please remember that while I have to upload a set of 3 sheets, I do not expect you to do all 3.  We would usually do sheet 2 in class but you may feel you want to challenge yourself further!


English– We will continue with the Goblinology booklet and will be writing the report we planned on Thursday.  You will then have a chance to work on a final version of it with illustrations, headings and even flaps if you choose!.


Maths– Our work on length will continue with lessons on perimeter on a grid, perimeter of a rectangle, perimeter of a rectilinear shape and finally an end of unit mini assessment.  You will receive the link to a recorded lesson and the worksheets and answer sheets will be uploaded to the blog each day.


Maths fluency– I will continue to set math fluency activities which will mostly be practising times tables using a variety of platforms and activities.


Science– Using the Oak Academy teaching videos and quiz, we will be learning about what happens when you heat up or cool substances.


RE – We will be focusing on the healing of the leper and how this helps us understand the kind of world Jesus wanted.

Topic– This week we will be thinking about what democracy means and I would like you to think about how you can interact with the democratic process.


Art– I felt like a bit of a change this week so I will be asking you to look at the work of artist Terry Runyan.  You might want to take a look at her website before our lesson.


You will need to do a bit of prep before the lesson so I will send out some instructions at the early part of the week before the lesson is set on Friday.


ICT– I will set a keyboard skills activity on Purple Mash for you to complete in your scheduled session on Thursday