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Term 2 Week 4

Here is an outline of your learning for term 2, week 4:

Term 2 Week 4 – overview

Reading challenge – we have made a visual display to track our home reading.  Each week when reading records are checked, every child who brings their record (completed with their weekly reading)will earn a star.  Remember that 10 minutes' reading each day makes a huge difference to overall literacy and especially expanding vocabulary!

Our ukulele lesson with Mr Lawrence will be on Tuesday morning.  Ukuleles are provided by school.

Spelling and grammar –we will be revising words from the statutory year 3 and 4 spelling list. We will also be identifying and using different types of fronted adverbial.

In English, we will be practising using imperative verbs, which are essential for instructions.  We will also be researching how the layers of a Roman road were constructed, so we can create our own set of instructions!

In Maths, we will look at efficient subtraction, estimation and checking strategies.  We will then complete an end of unit assessment.

In guided reading, we will continue with our text, The Iron Man, by Ted Hughes.  This text will introduce readers to more challenging vocabulary and imagery.

In RE, our new unit of focus is ‘Incarnation’ and we will be considering the big question, ‘What is the Trinity?’  This week, Father John will come to speak to us about the differences in the 4 accounts of the Gospel.

In history, we will be learning about some aspects of everyday life in Roman Britain.

In art, we will complete our own still life paintings based on the work of Gorgio Morandi.  


Reading records have been sent home with most children choosing a book from the selection in class or from the reading scheme.  All children have an additional book in their tray for reading sessions in class.  Please could we have reading records in school to be checked on Tuesday and Friday mornings.  

Homework will be issued this Wednesday and is due in on the following Monday.

Please contact me if you have any queries using the class email

Have a lovely week!

Best wishes,

Mrs Barter