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Term 1 week 6

Last week the children completed assessments in maths, English and reading. I was very proud of how well they coped with the changes in routine and the demands of the assessments. Well done Maple Class! The children also created their Christmas designs for the PTFA fund-raising challenge and I can’t wait to see the designs in print!

In maths this week, we will be comparing and ordering numbers to 1,000, using both symbols and words to identify smallest and greatest.

This week we will continue to develop our instruction writing skills, considering prepositions and how they make instructions easier to follow. The children will be having a go at following the instructions to make a paper mammoth, working in pairs to see if the instructions are clear and easy to follow. Later in the week we will be looking at the features of an instructional text and using drama to increase a rich and varied vocabulary.

Guided reading this week will the concluding chapter of The Hodgeheg by Dick King Smith, with the children completing their own book review. 

We will continue with our Stone Age to Iron Age topic, building on our investigation regarding the types of evidence used to find out more about the way people lived their lives. We will also consider how Neolithic farmers contributed to life at Skara Brae, a pre-historic village found on an island along the North coast of Scotland.

In RE, Mrs Johnson will continue to look at the story of Abraham and the concept of faith. The children have been working incredibly hard in RE and their display creations are looking fabulous.

On Friday, Mrs Tompsett will continue working with the class to learn about coding in ICT. The children will finish their fossils, painting them and highlighting the detail. The children will be doing a times table challenge and their weekly spelling test.

Maple class have PE on Thursdays and Fridays, both sessions will be with Mr Luckhurst.

Homework will be sent out on Tuesday this week, with details also on the class blog. Reading Records should come into school daily and will generally be changed on a Monday and Thursday. As usual, we ask that the children aim to read daily, ideally with an adult and please do write a comment in their reading records to tell us how they are getting on. We are encouraging the children to be more independent with their homework and reading records, so please do remind them to put the relevant books in the basket in class.

I have been impressed with the number of children who have completed elements of the wider curriculum, voluntary home learning ideas and it is always lovely to get photos of the children and their amazing creations, many thanks for emailing these.

I am always happy to answer any questions you may have so please do contact me if you have any queries, using the class email address:

Best wishes