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Term 1 Week 4

Term 1 week 4 27th September


From Stone Age to Iron Age

It was lovely to meet with some of you on Thursday. It is always great to be able to catch up in an informal way and I hope you enjoyed your visit to Maple Class.

This week we are starting a new theme, which will inform our learning in most subjects, up to Christmas.

In English, we will begin to investigate instruction writing, based on the book How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth, by Michelle Robinson and Kate Hindley. The focus this week will be to identify the use of imperative, or bossy verbs and to understand how to use prepositions when writing instructions. This will also include the need to explore facts about mammoths, so that we can use that information to continue with our instructions next week.

Guided reading this week will continue with The Hodgeheg by Dick King Smith, moving on to chapters six and seven. Again, questions regarding the narrative and language features will help to confirm understanding of the text, with independent work being completed towards the end of the week.

In Maths this week we will move to further develop our understanding of number lines to 1,000, and continue to compare objects which represent numbers to 1,000. Later in the week, we will again revisit finding 10 or 100 more, or less, than a given number. Times tables will be an ongoing feature, with the children completing a times table challenge each week.

In RE, Mrs Johnson will be looking at the story of Abraham and the concept of faith. The children will investigate why Abraham always did as God asked and how he knew God would keep his promises.

On Friday, Mrs Tompsett will continue working with the class to learn about coding in ICT. She will also be looking at cave drawings, with the children having a go at their own cave art. The children will be doing a times table challenge and their weekly spelling test.

Maple class have PE on Thursdays and Fridays, both sessions will be with Mr Luckhurst.

Homework will be sent out on Tuesday this week, with details also on the class blog. Reading Records should come into school daily and will generally be changed on a Monday and Thursday. As usual, we ask that the children aim to read daily, ideally with an adult and please do write a comment in their reading records to tell us how they are getting on. Please do make contact if you have any questions regarding the books which are sent home each week – especially if you feel your child’s book is either too easy or too difficult.

I am always happy to answer any questions you may have so please do contact me if you have any queries, using the class email address:

Best wishes

Mrs Smallcombe and the Maple Team