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This Week's Learning

Term 4 Week 2

In English and Communication this week we are going to focus on completing our descriptions of Lady Audrey. We are going to use the modelled description that we created last week to create our own pieces of descriptive writing. 

In Phonics we are going to learn how to add the 'est' and 'y' suffix to words ending in e. E.g. nicest, bravest, finest, shiny, sparkly, noisy and slimy. 

Our grammar focus will be on question, command, exclamation and statement sentences. 

In Maths we are going to turn our attention towards division. We are going to explore how both sharing and grouping can be used to solve division problems. We are also going to explore which method is more efficient and why, 

In Time and Place we are going to turn our attention to the year 1066 and explore how a new king was decided upon after the death of King Edward. 

In Science and Computing, we are going to explore the jobs of different parts of the plant and plan a fair test investigation to find out what plants need to grow well. 

We will also complete Guided Reading, Mastering Number, PE and Sports, Exercise and Health lessons as well. 

If you have any questions on any of these topics, please do not hesitate to contact us using the class email address.