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This Week's Learning

Term 3 Week 5

In English and Communication, we are going to create a piece of instruction writing for the hero in our class quest. We will write an introduction, 'You WIll Need' section, simple, compound and complex instruction sentences, use sequencing vocabulary and a conclusion to create our instruction text. 

In Phonics, we are going to focus on adding -ed and -er to words ending in 'e'. E.g. Hiked, hiker, timed, timer, braved, braver, baked, baker. Our grammar focus is going to be on using the regular past tense to construct sentences. 

 In Maths, we are going to turn our attention towards multiplication and division. We will practise skip counting in 2s, 5s and 10s and gain conceptual understanding relating to how multiplication can be represented using repeated addition and the x symbol. We will then start solving problems involving multiples of 2, 5 and 10. 

In Science and Computing, we are going to use our programming skills to create algorithms to control floor robots. We are also going to learn about dissolving and use this understanding to complete a scientific investigation linked to our class quest. 

In Design and the Arts, we are going to continue to develop our block printing skills. 

We will also complete Guided Reading, Mastering Number and PE activities. We will also complete an additional drama workshop and the Claws N Paws animal handling experience which will link to our Science Curriculum. 

If you would like to know more about any of these activities, please do not hesitate to contact us directly using the class email address.