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This Week's Learning

Term 2 Week 6

This week, all Year 2 pupils will complete their Key Stage 1 phonics screening. This normally happens towards the end of Year 1 but was delayed this year due to COVID. The screening only takes a few minutes and is completed by a familiar adult. If you have any questions or queries about the Phonics screening please do not hesitate to get in touch.

In English this week, we are going to focus on adding detail to our most recent pieces of diary writing. We are going to focus on adding sentences that describe what Samuel Pepys could see, hear and smell while at the Frost Fair and also how he felt. The week will culminate with Beech Class walking down to the Calverly Grounds to visit a modern-day Frost Fair. We will take time to record the sights sounds and feelings we experience during this trip and feed them forward into our first piece of writing in January.

In Maths this week, we are going to continue our focus on addition and subtraction. We are going to explore how number-lines can be useful tools when adding and subtraction 2-digit numbers.

In Science and Computing, we are going to focus on sorting materials according to 1 and then 2 separate criteria.

We will also complete RE, PE and Design and the Arts lessons.

As you can imagine, we will also spend time practising and rehearsing our Key Stage 1 Nativity ready for our performances next week.

What a busy week it is!