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Term 4 Week 2

Here is an overview of our learning activities for the week commencing 26th February 2024.

In our Phonics lessons we will be learning about words containing the ‘ea’ digraph where it makes an ‘e’ sound such as ‘bread’ and ‘head’. We will also be reading the words ‘more’ and ‘before’ and writing the words ‘any’ and ‘eye’.

We will be using the book ‘Traction Man is Here’ by Mini Grey as a basis for our English Work over the next few weeks. This week the children will be listening to the story several times and starting to identify some of the key events to help us to construct a story map. We will also be thinking of adjectives to describe each setting for the story.

In Maths, we will be continuing to learn about numbers up to 50. This week we will be making groups of 10, finding the tens and ones in two-digit numbers and partitioning numbers up to 50.

In RE, we will be talking about some of the events of Holy Week, including Jesus entering Jerusalem and The Last Supper. In Computing, we will be learning about grouping data.

Willow class have PE on Monday morning and Wednesday morning so please make sure that on these days your child has their PE kit in school and that earrings are removed where possible. 

If you have any questions or need help with anything please contact us using the class email address (