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Term 3 Week 1

Here is an overview of our learning activities for the week commencing 8th January 2024.

This term, Willow class will still have PE on Monday morning and Thursday morning. Please make sure your child has their full PE kit in school on these days.  We will be completing some fitness assessments this week and playing some team games.

In our Phonics lessons we will be learning about words where 'y' makes an 'ee' sound (such as sunny and happy). We will also be reading the words ’any’ and ‘eye’ and writing the words ‘water' and ‘where’.

In English, we will be talking about the differences between fiction and non-fiction texts. We will then start looking at the features of non-chronological reports in preparation for writing our own reports on everyday heroes.

In Maths, we will be doing some work on place values for numbers up to 20. This week we will be investigating ways to represent the numbers 11 to 19.

In our Science lesson we will be learning about winter and thinking about seasonal changes. In Art, we will be looking at Miranda Lloyd’s wave picture and will use poster paints to create our own wave pictures. In Computing, we will be practising giving and acting out instructions in preparation for programming some Bee-Bots.

We are starting our new topic in RE and we will be thinking about our key question of the term: What is the Good News that Jesus brings for Christians? This week we are learning about what the word ‘Gospel’ means and will listen to the story of Matthew the Tax Collector.

If you have any questions or need help with anything, please contact us using the class email address (