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Term 2 Week 4

Here is an overview of our learning activities for the week commencing 20th November 2023.

In our main Phonics lessons we will be learning to read and write words containing ‘ch’ which make a /c/ sound (such as school and Christmas) and a /sh/ sound (such as chef and parachute). We will also be reading the words ’thought’ and ‘through’ and writing the words ‘Mr’ and ‘Mrs’.

In Maths, we will be continuing to learn about subtraction. This week we will be focussing on taking away a quantity and counting back on a number line.

This week in our RE lesson, we will be talking about examples of ways that Christians use the Nativity to guide their beliefs and actions at Christmas.

In our Computing lesson we will be using different shapes and colours to make a picture in the style of Henri Matisse.

In our Art lesson we will be creating some abstract pictures using poster paints, paint sticks and felt tip pens.

Willow class has PE on Monday morning and Thursday morning. Please make sure your child has their full PE kit in school on those days.

If you have any questions or need help with anything, please contact us using the class email address (