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Term 5 Week 3

Here is an overview of our learning activities for week commencing 3rd May 2021.

In Phonics this week we will be learning about alternative spellings for the ‘air sound (‘air’ like in chair, ‘ear’ like in wear, ‘are’ like in share and ‘ere’ like in there). In English we will be learning using capital letters in the right place in our sentence writing and writing a diary entry. In Maths we will be making arrays and making equal groups by grouping objects together.

This week in RE we will be learning about the Islamic story of the Prophet and the ants. In our topic work we will be talking about the Moroccan explorer Ibn Battuta and his 29 year journey. We will also be talking about some geometric patterns and starting to think about how we can create our own patterns.

If you have any questions or need help with anything please contact us using the class email address ( Thank you for your continued support and enthusiasm.