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Monday 25th January


Remember to read at home for at least 20 minutes at home today. You can also have a go at the attached reading comprehension activity all about Deep Sea Explorers. Remember to pick a challenge levle that suits you. 



Revisit Friday’s blog post and remind yourself of our current writing activity.

St. Barnabas' CE (VA) Primary School - Friday 22nd January (

Take time to complete your diary entry from the point of view of Samuel Pepys. When your writing is complete, please send it in to my. I would like to read out some examples of your writing during this week's Beech Story Time. 



Today we are moving on to division. The first concept that we are going to explore is sharing. Watch this video all about sharing.

Spr2.3.2 - Make equal groups - sharing on Vimeo

Stop at 5:53 and complete the following challenge:

Whitney has 16 flowers.

She shares them equally between some vases. How many different ways can Whitney share her flowers to make equal groups?

Please send in pictures of your solutions to the class email address.

Now have a go at questions 1,2 and 4 on the worksheet.

Questions 3 and 5 are much trickier. So Mr M has made a video for you to watch in which he models how these questions can be worked out.


Number Fluency-

Make a multiple of 10 number-line. Use it to practise skip counting up to 120 and back. 



Get active with this 8 minute workout from Jo Wicks:

Active 8 Minute Workout Featuring Eloise and Charlie | The Body Coach TV - YouTube

Pick an activity from the Sport, Exercise and Health section of the Wider Curriculum Home Learning Matrix.