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Term 3 Week 4

What Lilac Class are doing for the week WB: 25.1.21

What we are doing this week in Lilac Class

WB: 25.1.21

In Maths this week in Lilac Class, we will be multiplying and dividing numbers by 10, 100 and 1,000 building on our knowledge of place value.  We will be looking at numbers presented in a place value grid and how many places the digits move and in what direction. 

In English our writing task is to create a piece of descriptive writing about life in a Victorian workhouse.  For stimulus we will be rereading Chapters 4 and 5 of ‘Street Child’ and watching video clips.  Lilac Class will also be considering the following:  What did a workhouse look like?  What was the routine of the day?  Write about the jobs that people did.  What clothes did the inmates wear?  Describe the classroom and meal times.  What was night time at the workhouse like? How was a workhouse organised?   For our Guided Reading we are now reading Chapters 6 and 7 of ‘Street Child’.  The main focus will be on ‘inference’ – when you read between the lines and look for clues in the story.  We will also begin our new ‘Talk for Writing’ activity Booklet entitled ‘Wonderful Wizards’ complied by Maria Richards.

In RE, Father John will be available to us through a Google Meet session on Monday 25th January at 1.30 to talk about Moses and why he was chosen to lead his people out of Egypt. We will benefit so much from his expertise!  Lilac Class will also be learning about the Ten Plagues of Egypt. 

For our Topic this week, Lilac Class are continuing to look at the impact of the Industrial Revolution on Victorian Britain. We will think about the most important development of the Industrial Revolution Is it possible to say that one thing was more important than another or are events linked by cause and effect?  In Science, after making our predictions last week we are conducting our insulation experiment and will be explaining the results. Dr Charles will share the results with the children working from home.  Why was one material the best insulator and another the worst?  How fair was the test?  Were there any other variables that may have affected the results? Why is conducting a fair test not always easy?  In Art, Lilac class will be studying the painting techniques of Vincent van Gogh.  We will examine ‘Starry Night’ and ‘Wheat Fields’. From 1873-1874 Van Gogh lived in Victorian London and his address was 87, Hackford Road in Stockwell London.  In addition, we will also be looking at the landscape paintings of British nineteenth century artists such as Hollman Hunt, Matthew Cobet, George Boyce, John Ruskin and Thomas Seddon as well as the artwork of the Pre-Raphaelites. 


A Google Meet workshop for Years 4 and 5 children will take place on Tuesday 27th January at 11.00am.  A Parent Email from Mr Mackinnon will go out about this.  The organisation is called Big Ideas. They are currently working alongside the Holocaust Memorial Foundation Project to get children involved in creating something tangible to add to the construction of UK Holocaust Memorial and Learning Centre. 


The session will involve a short, age appropriate introduction to the Holocaust- some discussion and then a small craft project for pupils to complete at home (or at school for those who are still learning with us).