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Wednesday 20th January

Remote learning 20/01/21

Welcome to Wednesday's remote learning.

Reading - SPAG

Follow the link for todays lesson on 'being' words - verbs.


Have a look at the back page of the book How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth showing the equipment needed. Can you think of what each one might be used for (for example, The Meadow Fresh fragrance is for rubbing behind his ears)?

Today can you create a ‘Woolly Mammoth Cleaning Kit’ containing your top 4 items these can be from the book or your own ideas.

On some paper draw or cut out your item and write a sentence with a preposition to explain a detail about where or how it should be used. If you want to extend this you can add more items and highlight the prepositions showing which are related to time and which to place.


Lets warm our brains up first. Practice your times tables and division facts. Try writing your multiplication facts in one colour and your division ones in another.

As always there are 2 options. Please chose the one that is most appropriate to your child. 

Option 1

Complete the Divide by 3 worksheet.

Option 2

Complete the worksheet Make equal groups sharing.


Todays additional curriculum subject is computing. Please log on to purplemash and complete the '2Dos'

As always we love to see how you're getting on. Email us on the class email address.