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It's October already!

Week commencing 5th October 

Hi all. I hope everyone has had a lovely weekend.

This week, in English the children will be starting to plan and write an epic adventure based on our book Journey, which they have been loving. We have already had some incredibly creative ideas. In RE they will continue to look at the topic of 'promises'.

In maths we are starting to deal with bigger hundreds numbers. We will practice adding and subtracting lots of hundreds and then adding single digit numbers to a hundred number. 

In science we are planning and carrying out our investigation into friction and the affect different surface types have on how easy or difficult it is to pull a weighted tub. We will be discussing a fair test and adjusting variables. 

In ICT the children will begin coding sessions again, revising what they have learnt in Y2 and moving on to new ways of coding. 

Home learning.

Each week one piece of home learning will be set in their books, an other will be set online. 

This week you will find a maths worksheet in their books. They can complete this on their own if they feel confident alternatively there is a video to help them if they (or you) are stuck.

Spellings will be a quiz on Purplemash. If they log on with their account they will find it in the 2do's.

PLEASE NOTE: I have also set 'coding' activities on their 2do's, these activities are for ICT sessions in school NOT home learning (the 2do's should be marked 'to be completed at home' or 'to be completed at school') so please do not worry about these having to be completed at home, they are part of a planned lesson. 

As always please allow your child to read for 15minutes 5 times a week and please make sure they bring their reading book to school daily so that we can ensure reading is happening at school as well as home.