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Weekly Learning Update

Week beginning 5th October

This week we will be looking at enhancing the quality of our writing in English.  Using text linked to the story Journey, we will be identifying features of high quality writing and then using these in our own writing.   We will focus on correctly punctuating sentences and using connectives where appropriate, plus the use of adverbs to paint a more interesting picture.


Separate spelling and grammar sessions will be based on adverbs and the homophones piece/peace, main/mane and fair/fare.

We are beginning every afternoon with a dedicated reading session where children are encouraged to extend the periods they can read for.  We have quite a lot of new books in our reading area and it is lovely to see Chestnut Class explore the selection.  I will continue to read Danny the Champion of the World each day.  It’s a wonderful way to end each day!

In Maths, our focus continues to be on place value.  We will be working with number lines to 10,000, adding and subtracting 1, 10, 100 and 1000 and comparing 4-digit numbers.  The children will continue to use manipulatives such as Base 10 and place value counters to support their learning.  In our quick fire fluency sessions we are playing games such as loop cards and the ever popular Hit the Button times tables quiz.


We continue to look at the creation story in RE and what meaning Christians take from the text in Genesis.


The children will begin studying the work of Giorgio Morandi.  We will be looking at his still life work and developing our understanding of perspective and shading.  


We are going to be looking at Google Earth and digital maps as part of our ICT learning.  Initially we will focus on finding geographical areas similar to some settings in Journey. We will also be using the platform Purple Mash to work on our times tables fluency.