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Week 2 (14th Sept)

Weekly preview and home learning

Welcome to week 2.

This week in class children will be completing their scene description of the forest and lantern scene in Journey. They will also be looking at the next page and creating instructions to help the girl navigate the castle. 

In maths we will continue to be looking at place value and where numbers fit on a numberline. In addition we will be practising our 2, 5 and 10 times tables. 

In the afternoons the children will be creating and performing a piece of drama focusing on the girls emotions when she enters the castle. 


All of the children have been heard reading by an adult now and have been provided with an appropriate level reading book. Please can reading books and records come in to school daily as the children will be reading them independently at points throughout the day. 

This weeks Home Learning:

Read for 15 mins 5 times during the week.

This is all we are asking for this week as the children still settle into the routine of learning again. If you are looking for more home learning your child could:

Practise spellings - after, again, any, beautiful, because. (please note these are Y2 common exception words and the children will NOT be tested on them)

Play 'hit the button' and/or 'shark numbers' (see below for links)


If your family is self isolating your child can complete the following as home learning:

 - Double their normal reading time, so 30 mins per day. This can be broken up into 2 lots of 15mins if that is more appropriate. 

 - Write a description of the forest scene from Journey. this link will give you an animated video of the book. Please try not to show your child any further than 0.30 on the video (it may well ruin the next part for them)

 - For maths children can practise their 2,5 and 10 times table (or 3, 4, 8 if they are confident with the 2,5, 10). The could also play 'hit the button' and Shark numbers