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Term 4 Week 6

Here is an overview of our learning activities for week commencing 29th March 2021.

This week in English we will be creating some superheroes poems. On Monday we will write an acrostic poem for the word ‘SUPERHERO’. On Tuesday we will be write a class version of ‘Five Little Superheroes’ and on Wednesday the children will write their own superhero poem. In Phonics we will be recapping the digraphs aw, au, oi and oy.

On Tuesday afternoon, we have the ‘Drama Geezers’ coming into school to work with the class on a project linked to the title ‘The story that connects us’. During the workshop, the children will take part in a variety of drama and storytelling activities to unlock their imaginations. The idea is that each class will create a chapter for the school story by acting it out together and then mapping out the story on giant paper.  

In Maths we will be consolidating what we have learnt this term with some activities on mass, capacity and length. We will also be revisiting number bonds for 10 and 20.

In RE we are continuing our work on the theme ‘Salvation’. This week we will be thinking about why Easter matters to Christians and continuing to think about ways that people celebrate Easter. We will also be doing some Easter themed activities during the week, including making Easter baskets and chocolate nests.

PE will be on Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning. Please make sure your child has their PE kit in school on these days.

If you have any questions or need help with anything please contact us using the class email address ( Thank you for your continued support and enthusiasm.